30 minutes per rental of a Frelo are included. Beyond that the basic rate applies. LastenFrelos (cargobikes) are excluded.
The discount applies to RVF subscribers. You can find an overview of the subscription options on the VAG Freiburg website.
Simply select “RVF Abo” as a partner when registering or later in your customer account via the website and enter the subscription number. You can find the subscription number in your online subscription management and on each personal subscription letter. The subscription number starts with the digit 7. Please enter the entire number, including the hyphen (if your number contains a period, replace it with a hyphen) and the number behind it (without the possibly preceding 0), if available.
Example: 7xxxxxxx.01 becomes 7xxxxxxx-1
Special regulation for the registration of underaged persons from 16 years on:
Underaged persons from 16 years on need the authorization of their parents / legal guardians. Please download and fill in this form and send it to kundenservice@nextbike.de or submit it at the VAG customer center:
You are already registered under another nextbike brand, but still want to take advantage of the discount for RVF subscription customers? Register a second time under Frelo Freiburg. You can use the same mobile phone number, your PIN will of course be different. Link this account as described with 'RVF Abo' and bike 30 minutes per rental in Freiburg for free.
30 minutes per rental are included. Beyond that a reduces basic rate of 0,50 € per 30 minutes and 10 € per 24 hours applies. You can rent up to four bikes at the same time. The students' concession, however, only applies to the first bike. LastenFrelos (cargobikes) are excluded.
Special conditions apply to students of:
Simply register with your student email address.
Already registered but didn't use your student email address? Log in to your account via website, update your email address and add your institution as partner or contact our customer service under +49 (0)30-69205046.